Featured Works
New Orleans
A collection of oil paintings made both en-plein-air as well as from reference photos during the artist's current residency in New Orleans, starting in December of 2020 up to today.
Interiors, Still Lifes & Figures
This collection features oil paintings of interior spaces, still lifes, and figure studies. The interiors and still lifes were done from life, while most of the figure studies are done from reference photos.
Spain, Italy & Morocco
A collection of works done while living abroad in Spain, Italy, and Morocco. This collection features a variety of techniques, including graphite drawings, pencil sketches, and illustrations using ink pen with color done in oil tinting as well as watercolor. Most works were started en plein air and completed in the studio, others done from reference photos and completed while back in the United States.
St. Louis & More...
A collection of oil paintings made en-plein air during the artist's time in St. Louis, Missouri as well as other locations as noted.